Below you will find a guide to drawing cartoon hands. This cartooning tutorial will guide you thru each hand with step by step instructions. Find out how to draw these hands below.
Below you will find five different cartoon hands that you can learn how to draw.
The above cartoon hand, that you can learn how to draw, is a cartoon hand with thumb up and fingers out. The fingers are pointing downwards. This hand is out possibly out asking for money.
The above cartoon hand is similar to the first one. However, this hand is pointing upwards a bit, with the little finger on top of the middle finger. If a hands are doing this position, the cartoon character is asking “What did I do” or “Huh?”
Here is a cartoon hand lesson that you will want to use if you want a cartoon hand with his palm out AND with all 5 fingers.
This cartoon hand is one with fingers spread outwards. Maybe this type of hand could be used when a character is in a panic or just to express something to another character.
This is a cartoon fist. A character might ball his hand up in a fist if he is about to get into a fight or if he is holding anger within himself. People also hold their hands in fists sometimes if they are trying to pep themselves up or if they are at a sports rally.
And here is a cartoon fist with all 5 fingers. Depending on which type you want to use for your comic character, this one is more realistic.
Here is a cartoon open palm. This is the normal hand just open, with fingers close together. This is a very basic open hand. This is the first type of cartoon hand that you should learn how to draw, since you will use it often.
The back of the hand is the same as the palm of the hand … but without the crease marks.
This hand is a waving cartoon hand. This character could also be using his hand to wave someone away, such as “Oh, no, you’re being silly” type of way. Or this person might just be putting his hand up in school to gain the teacher’s attention.
This is the basic cartoon pointing hand. You will use this hand gesture often as cartoon characters have to point at people and things often to make a specific point or to show where you should look. Practice drawing the pointed hand as you will use it often.
I hope that this guide to drawing cartoon hands has helped you. Come back for more drawing tutorials soon!
This article was written on 11 Apr 2014, and is filled under Cartooning and Comics.
Soooooo Helpful!