How to Draw Dat

How to Draw Sebastian Michaelis from Black Butler an Anime Movie

Today I will show you how to draw Sebastian Michaelis from the anime version of Black Butler. Sebastian is a demon butler of the Phantomhive family. I will guide you to drawing Sebastian with easy steps that you will surely be able to follow. Lets get started!

How to Draw Sebastian Michaelis from Black Butler an Anime Movie Step by Step Drawing Tutorial

How to Draw Sebastian Michaelis from Black Butler Anima Movie Step by Step Drawing Tutorial

Step 1


– Lightly Draw a circle. Draw guidelines within it.

Step 2


-Lightly draw a rectangle on a slant.

– Draw a letter ‘Z’ shape for the left side of hair and for the nose/eyebrow area.

– Draw ?-like shape for the ear.

Step 3


– Draw a line and another letter ‘Z’ shape for the hair at the top of the head.

– Draw a leaf shape for the left eye.

– Draw a sideways letter ‘A’ shape for the right eye.

– Draw a #6 shape in the ear.

– Draw the nostril.

– Draw a sideways letter ‘v’ shape for the mouth.

Step 4


– Draw a sideways letter ‘s’ shape curve at the top of head.

– Draw eye lashes.

– Draw a #5 shape above the left eye.

– Draw 2 sideways letter ‘Y’ shapes above the right eye.

– Draw a sideways letter ‘Y’ shape inside the mouth.

– Draw a chin shape.

– Draw a sideways #8-like shape inside the ear.

Step 5


– Draw a letter ‘M’ shape for the bangs.

– Draw a backwards letter ‘Z’ shape for the hair over the ear.

– Draw a line and an oval in the ear.

– Draw eyebrow shapes.

– Draw the left side of face.

– Draw a sideways letter ‘D’ shape under the mouth.

– Draw a line in the mouth and above it.

– Draw zig-zags for hair.

Step 6


– Draw a letter ‘M’ shape for hair and zig-zags.

– Draw 2 triangle shapes for the collar.

– Draw a long letter ‘U’ like shape for the arm.

Step 7


– Use the letter ‘U’ shape as the arm guide to draw the actual fold of the coat sleeve.

– Draw a letter ‘Y’ shape and a letter ‘U’ shape on the chest area.

– Add details to the collar.

– Draw a #7-like shape for the end of the glove that is the mouth.

– Draw basic shapes to form the guides of the hand / glove.

Step 8


– Draw the actual shape of the glove.

– Add details to the coat and shirt.

– Draw a blockish letter ‘B’ shape for the right lapel.

– Draw the pin with a butterfly like shape with two letter ‘B’ shapes.

Step 9


– Draw letter ‘M’, ‘W’, and ‘V’ shapes for the hair.

– Add buttons and details such as lines on the shirt and glove.

– Draw a letter ‘s’, a line, and a #2-like shape for the right side of the coat shoulder.

– Add a sideways #3 shape and a letter ‘v’ shape to the pin.

– Draw a letter ‘P’ shape to the coat.

– Draw a letter ‘v’ shape to the middle of the chest.

– Draw buttons.

Step 10


– Erase guidelines and blacken the remaining lines.

Finished Drawing of How to Draw Sebastian Michaelis from Black Butler Anime Movie

Finished Drawing of How to Draw Sebastian Michaelis from Black Butler Anime Movie

You now have a great picture of Sebastian from Black Butler. Come back soon for more tutorials.


  1. Josephine Phoenix
    May 16, 2014

    This is one awesome tutorial, exactly wat I wanted. Thx for posting this. 🙂

  2. Madam Trix Blackhood
    May 29, 2014

    Awesome!, mine turned out very well. 🙂 The Black Butler seris is a….well, creepy, but exicting movie seris to watch, lol. I like the characters and they’re role more than the movie.

    Can you, please, draw these characters ? This ones if you can - , and please take your time, drawing two characters is harder than one.
    Tell me if you with accept my request. Wish you good day! 😀

    • admin

      The Real Person!

      Author admin acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      May 30, 2014

      Hi there. I’m glad that yours turned out well. 😀 I can add that pic to my list..however, a couple people have asked me for other tutorials so I will have to do those first. Then I will get to this pic. Thanks!!

      • Madam Trix Blackhood
        June 3, 2014

        Ok, sure.

  3. Madam Trix Blackhood
    May 29, 2014

    Umm……I’ll post that Image URL in ur the other wed-site, since u can’t get it here….it’ll be in ur latest tutorial in

  4. Phoenix Dragon
    September 23, 2014

    Omg omg omg! it’s Sebastian Michaelis! The tut is great! Mine turned out quite good ( not boasting ) Thanks for the tut!

  5. Luna
    November 4, 2014

    Grrrrrrrr. this is so fustrading. this turtorial did not help me!

    • admin

      The Real Person!

      Author admin acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      November 5, 2014

      Sorry Luna…which part threw you off track

  6. Nienke
    December 12, 2014

    Ah! This looks good, gonna try it right now! Thankyou 🙂

  7. sabastians_true_ciela
    December 22, 2014

    I loved how this came out… I just need a bit more help with the eyes… But other than that I love itttt

  8. sebby michi
    January 8, 2015

    it’s very hard 😐

  9. Zach McGonigal
    March 3, 2015


  10. mo
    March 6, 2015

    I got a pretty good result thanks!

  11. Anonymous Artist
    November 4, 2015

    I think I did pretty good. I think I messed up around the hair part. But besides that, it was a really good tutorial. Thank you. 🙂

  12. Layla
    November 16, 2016

    WOW! didnt get an exact Sebby but other than my terrible drawaing prowess asside it really helped me make an awesome butler OC thx

  13. gizmo14
    December 13, 2016

    thank you so much it was so much fun drawing this

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This article was written on 14 May 2014, and is filled under Black Butler.

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